Baseball, Softball & T-Ball League

Baseball, Softball & T-Ball League

Youth baseball, softball, and t-ball are exciting sports combining team play with individual skills. YMCA youth baseball promises no tryouts, no getting cut, and no bench warmers. As a simplified game for younger players, the ball is placed on a tee, allowing the batter to swing at a stationary object rather than a pitched ball. T-ball is intended for children ages four to eight.

Uniform Information:

Click link to order:  Augusta Sportswear

Get Your Y Gear Here! Get the uniforms that you want on your time!
YMCA sports participants will order uniforms directly from the YMCA vendor, Augusta Sportswear.

Sports participants are required to order uniforms specific to the participating sport.

Uniform purchase is only required once every couple of years. You will receive your uniforms within 3-5 days.